Thursday, January 28, 2010
mood~~ lalala Big Bang~~!!!
Friday, January 15, 2010
SS in Malaysia
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
I know I can dO it~~!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Kwon Gain couple~~!!! cutey mutey~~!! keke
Thursday, January 7, 2010
give me strength~~
Monday, January 4, 2010
Im Seul Ong, too cute~~!!
The Kpop 91-er group gathers on Sukira

Kpop 91-ers 2AM SeulOng, SHINee Key, MBLAQ Mir and BEAST DongWoon were seen together on KBS CoolFM Super Junior Kiss The Radio aired on 31st December.
Photos of the “91 line” were posted up on the internet and the “91 line” has been gaining popularity amongst netizens.
More photos!
credit to
all of them so cute~~though i'm '88 but still love them so much.. noona nomu chuwa~~!! haha
Sunday, January 3, 2010
whAt's WrOng~~???
Saturday, January 2, 2010
miss leadja so much~~!!
Now I know y she didn’t reply my msg..
they’re going to Bukit Merah waterpark without me~~ (-_-)
kind of jealous n angry with them.. but it’s ok.. she said dat my mom will go there again~~ can’t wait to go..
it’s seems like so long I didn’t go to waterpark since 2007(in matric, Sunway Lagoon)… e n my bff ,her bf n bff.. hhaahaha… so great.. got to spend time with them.. really wanna go again someday… ~~ someday over the rainbow~~ haha.. I’m kind of crazy like now..
p/s: really feel like wanna cry since she didn't reply my msg.. coz we're really2 close together.. we shared everything together.. haha.. hope our rs will stay like this 4eva.. close sibling~~!! yeargh~~!! (<-- she's like this words)
Friday, January 1, 2010
Hurm..what a bad day of mine today~~ (-_-)
My lil sis got mad at me coz I didn’t remind her to send her blog’s address to my friend… I think I did..
I feel really regret right.. I wish I could bring them back n write da address in it n send them back..
But what can I do rite now??? Feel really sorry to her~~!!
Now I didn’t really feel happy.. I think she will hate me soon… smebody help me!!